
Friday 16 January 2015



Q1) --
Different people follow different paths --
Some do meditation(dhyana)
Some do Bhakthi thro' Bhajan or Kirthan
Some do idol worship thro' Ritual Pooja
Hata Yoga etc.
How common goal of Brahma Jnana is achieved through 
different paths ?

ANS.1) --
There are many paths like

Bhagathpatpada Shankaracharya has told --
Which ever path you follow, you can achieve the goal only
through JNANA.
Hence JNANA YOGA is the best.However people find it 
difficult to understand & follow Jnana Yoga. If you are 
following other paths, then also, by gaining JNANA through 
that path only, you achieve the goal.

As per Kripaluji Maharaj, Bhakthi Marg is the BEST.He has 
achieved Jnana of highest order through Bhakthi & is 
called JAGADGURU. He is like a Super Computer in Jnana.

Combination of Jnana Marg & Bhakthi Marg or Meditation
(Raja Yoga) is the best way. 

Q2) --
Thaitreya Upanishad commentary says OM-KARA 
Upasana is for Yatis or Sanyasis only & not for samsaris ?

ANS.2) --
Reason for this restriction is, due to extreme 
dispassion(vyragya), house holder may walk away leaving 
family.However other writings do not support this view.
For Sadhana Chathustaya--
3) Shataka sampatti (sama,Dama,Uparama,
    Titiksha, Shraddha,Samana)
are the basic requirements.

In Raja yoga by vivekananda, Astanga yoga of Pathanjali 
yoga suthras mental recitation of OM is recommended 
for meditation, to control mind.

OMKAR upasana is for nirakara (formless) sakshathkara 
of Brahman. In the extensive study I did to write OMKARA 
nada article, I have not come across anywhere that it is for 
sanysis only. I, myself follow naturally Omkar as anahatha 
nada successfully. omkara nada-sound of pranava 
in this blog. Reaching the goal at the earliest is very 
important, instead of getting confused.

Q3) -- 
How to purify Body & MIND ?

ANS.3) --
Body cannot be purified even if you take bath many 
times a day it is full of dirt & filth. In higher levels of spirituality 
like Avadhutha State they may not take bath for many days.
Others have to take him to their house & give him bath.
He is always in Athmananda & not bothered about care of 
body or covering his body.

This can be achieved by --
1) Surrender to God fully all the time--highest level of 
2) Reverence to GURU as Brahman
3)Truthfulness Manasa.Vatcha, & Kaya
4)Sathsangha of those who are pure in Mind.
5)Anahatha nama japa
6)Egoless state--VERY IMPORTANT
7)Unending flow of tears of Bhakthi for many years
9)Jeevanmukthi bhava ie,seeing GOD in all,even in enemies,
10) Anhilation of Shadvairies--Kama,Krodha,Lobha, Moha,
     Mada & Mathsara

Q4) --
 In Sadhana we have to do Shravana,Manan 
       Nidhidyasana my doubt is, in Nama Smarana are above 
       three aspects covered ? 

ANS.4) --
Please note that, in Nama Smarana also Shravana,Manana,
Nididyasana are covered.
Mental nama smarana is thro' mind which is Manana, feeling 
that you are hearing internally, even during mental recitation 
is there, which is Shravanaconcentration of mind 
ie, holding nama smararana continuously in mind is 
Nidhidyasana. When you analyse & think they are not 
different even though on the face of it, they may look 
different !!

Q5) --
There is a book published by a Maharaj which gives 
solutions to worldly problems like sickness, poverty,life span,
snake bite,fame etc. Is it useful to follow the book ? 

Ans.5) --

I went through the book, it gives an impression as if there is 
a solution for every problem.

Prarabhda Karma cannot be altered, however by spiritual 
advancement, it will not have any influence on that person.
 Onlookers of the world think he is suffering due to 
Prarabhda. However I have a question for you, have you 
seen anybody who has overcome death by reciting 
Mruthunjaya Japa ?, no there is nobody.But Mruthunjaya 
Japa goes on in this world !!

May be in some cases,it may look, this book has helped 
those whose Prarabhda supported their problem.My
 personal opinion is that Rama Nama Smarana what you 
are doing, covers all the problems, if you are destined
 to achieve them or overcome the problems.Surrendering 
to God fully, leaving Prarabhda to work itself out is the 
best way to live !!
I wish to tell you one of my experiences in my life--

My Late wife had kept some amount (received by selling 
her property) & her jewellery in some locker of a Bank in 
Mangalore & passed away.

That time I used to go to that Lakshmi Temple at Ittamadu. 
I had told the problem to that old lady of the temple, who 
is supposed to have some siddhi(clairvoyance).

She made me to stand in front of the statue holding my hand 
near shoulder & told me," you ask the Goddess to show you
 & she will show it to you". Next 15 minutes I tried my best 
to ask Goddess to show me,surprisingly I could not. I told
 the lady," I have surrendered to Goddess fully & I live the 
way,how Goddess wants me to live !! hence words are not 
coming out of my mouth & I am unable to request Goddess !!"  

There is no harm in trying out, but it shows that you are not 
'muktha'(free) from MAYA, please note !!

Q6) --
One known person says Dhyan is the only way to God
but I am doing Rama-Nama Japa as told by Brahma 
Chaithanya,pl. clarify.

Ans.6) --
When nama japa becomes steady,ie, when no other thought 
comes to mind except one thought of nama & form of guru 
or Rama remains steady, mind becomes THAT only--mind 
settles in ATHMA which is nothing but DHYANA only.

Please see below what Ramana Maharshi has told--
Following is the narration by a disciple who followed
the conversation between a villager & Ramana Maharshi -

I was curious about this villager and why Bhagavan had 
gone out of his way to meet him. So, while the discussion 
continued I slipped away and caught up with the villager, 
before he left the Ashram. I asked the villager what he 
and Bhagavan had talked about. He said that Bhagavan 
had asked him why he was standing there so far away.
"I told Bhagavan, 'I am only an ignorant, poor villager. 
How am I to approach you who are God incarnate?'"

"What did the Maharshi say then?" I asked.

"He asked me my name, what village I was from, what

work I did and how many children I had, etc."

"Did you ask Him anything?"

"I asked Him how I could be saved and how I could

earn His blessings."

"What did He tell you?"

"He asked me if there was a temple in my village. I told

him there was. He wanted to know the name of the deity 
of that temple. I told Him the name. He then said that I 
should go on repeating the name of that deity and I would 
receive all the blessings needed."

He has aiso told--
Source: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi

Talk 413.

A visitor asked: While making nama-japa and after 
continuing it for an hour or more I fall into a state like 
sleep. On waking up, I recollect that my japa has been 
interrupted. So I proceed again.

That is right. It is the natural state. Because you
are now associated with the ego you consider the
natural state to be something which interrupts your
work. You must repeat the experience until you realise
that it is your natural state. You will then find that
japa, etc., is extraneous. Still, it will be going on
automatically. Your present doubt is due to the false
identity. Japa means clinging to one thought to
the exclusion of all other thoughts. That is the
purpose of japa; it leads to dhyana which ends
in Self-Realisation.

Q7) --
Brahma Chaithanya Paduka was worshipped in 

our house,along with Rama-Nama Japa. Is it beneficial

for Spiritual Progress ?

Ans.7) --
One Athma is everywhere, you may think it as
Brahma chaithanya,Shankaracharya, Shirdi Sai Baba,
Ramana maharshi, my guru Venkatachala, or Goddess 
Mahalakshmi, all other Gods you can call in any name.
It is better to imagine That as your Athma, inside your 
body as well as outside as the world you see. This is 
the TRUTH & ultimate KNOWLEDGE !

Paduka,Photo,Statue,Kalasha,Sri Chakra,  ॐ,  etc. are 
only means to achieve the above knowledge !

Q8) --
Our Maharaj says Sadaka's need to know Sadhu
Charithamrutha, along with Sadhana, for Spiritual 
progress, is it so ?

Ans.8) --

Because sadhu charitamrutha is important in our blog
we have given charitamrutha of --
1) Sadashiva Brahmendra
2) Gajanan Maharaj
3) Kaiwara Thathaiya
4) Gondawale Maharaj
5) My guru's miracles
6) Incidents from Nithyananda's Life
7)      --  do ---      Akkalkot Maharaj
8)      -- do --        Samartha Ramdas
9)      -- do --        Shridhara Swamy
10)     -- do --       Shirdi Saibaba's life
11) 24 Guru's of Lord Dattatreya
12) super natural powers
13) Sufi saint Moinuddin Chisti of Ajmer
14) Puttur Ajja's life story
15) Bhagwan Mahavira's life Story
16) Incidents from Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's Life
17) Bhagwath Pada Sri Shankaracharya & his disciples 
18) Incidents from Ramana Maharshi's Life Story
19) Sri Ranga Mahaguru of Mysore 


Q9) --
To solve a problem in life,expecting favourable result
in return, is it ok to make a vow to our favourite God like 
abhisheka,neivedya(food offering),homa,pradakshina
(eg.,urulu seva) etc. 

Ans9) --
In our opinion vow(mangath, harake) to God should not 
be made,expecting favorable result in return like 
business !. You can do seva like Abhisheka, Puja, 
Archana etc. out of Love to God without making vow
(mangath,'HARAKE'), as making vow looks like doing 
business with GOD !

God is not interested in your Vow ! Is He in need of 
your vows ? He measures purity of your mind, Bhakthi, 
level of Ego, Prarabhda karmas, your Sadhana etc.

Q 10) --
My brother expired, hence I cannot do Puja rituals for 
10 days, but I feel like doing Nama Smarana ?

Ans.10) --
There is no restriction on Nama Japa at any time. 
Even when you carry dead body it is customary to recite
'GOVINDA' , 'RAM NAM SATHYA HEY' etc.You can do
Nama Japa mentally all the time. 
Shastras do not apply to a liberated person. Rahu Kala, 
Graha Gati, JATHAKA(horoscope), PANCHANGA(book 
following planetary motions & giving auspicious, 
inauspicious time etc.)  are not applicable to him. 
When your SOUL IS BRAHMAN & you are aware 
of it, even NAMA JAPA is not required.
To whom you are doing NAMA JAPA ? As per 
Shankaracharya & Vedas 'AHAM BRAHMASMI', 
'TAT TWAM ASI' etc.,which means 'I AM BRAHMAN',
'THAT THOU ART' etc. are applicable to your soul.
Only to control & concentrate your mind on SOUL, JAPA 
is required !! like THAPAS ie.,mind made to rest in soul !! 



  1. Dear Sir,

    I am an dovotee struck in worldly activities currently based in Malaysia. Your blogs seems to suggest devotees should not bother about siddhis & practice to attain brahman for escaping from the cycles of birth & death.
    Time and again we get a lot of people doing super natural things which seems to be reduced these days. If one attains brahman he becomes an avatara like Rama krishna aadi shankara etc. But during their times they did use their siddhis like
    govardhan protection, kanaka dhara stotram action , Jala stambana etc.
    If they are god they should act like God . Then why is this being discouraged by your good self. Kindly dispel my doubts.

  2. Siddhis if used, his Spiritual progress will stop.

    Siddhis if used he will have to take

    This world is Mithya,unreal,dreamlike
    what is the use of using Soddhis
    in dream ?

    God's Power & Siddhis are different

    Avadutha's like Bhagwan Nithyananda
    have used Gods Powers to help others
    without selfish motive.

    Your aim of Life is Liberation(Moksha) & not using Siddhis in unreal world.

    After merging in God, your individual
    identity is lost.

    Avatharas of God like Rama, Krishna,
    Buddha can not be compared to human
    beings !!

    Pl. Concentrate on achieving Liberation, which is aim of human birth.

    It is told Devathas give Siddhis
    to Yogis, not to make progress in
    Spirituality, so that they will not go
    to Deva Loka which is crowded.😊😊
