
Wednesday 30 December 2015






Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga

'Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga' postings are based on
'Jnana Sindhu' writings of great CHIDANANDA AVADHUTHA 
of very high spiritual level based on VEDANTHA
(UPANISHATHS). He had given the copy of the book to the 
parents of a future Avadhutha even before the baby was 
born, telling parents Goddess will take birth as their son & 
to give the book to the boy when he would be twelve 
year old, who is destined to become an Avadhutha by name 
in north Karnataka.

Shankara said that through Guru's Grace, knowing 
Nija-Bodha, Yogi in nijasamadhi by making intellect one 
pointed, that Yogi enjoys kingdom of Divine Happiness, in that 
time sathva of Athma only is retained, on hearing this 
Shanmukha with folded hands told Shankara --

"Swami ! be kind to me & request you to explain to me 

Hara told as follows --

My Child ! I shall explain to you amrutha(elixir) like Nija-Bodha
drinking which body gets tamed, worldly shackles, diseases
get destroyed, such a sad-bodha, you will hear from me.

This should not be told to those ignorant who have no faith in 
God. In this world there are many types of Bodhas, please 
do not think this is also one such Bodha, by just hearing this
Bodha, one becomes verily Brahman himself !

If it is told, form of Brahman when seen in vidya(jnana), 
avidya(ignorance) have become Ishwara, Jeeva, in reality
Brahman is formless & hence how it can be seen ? 
Parabrahman is only one, categories like Mahath-tattva,
Ahankara-tathva, Intellect(Buddhi), Manas(mind) etc. are
imagined by shastras(scriptures) & not originated from 

Just as sky looks different than mountains, trees etc.,
reflection of Brahman is seen as Jeeva, Ishwara due to
limitation(upadhi), in reality everything is Brahman only.
After coming to know one's own real form, one becomes 
Brahman himself & Vedas say this aspect should not be 
reviewed again !

Just as a sick person if he eats without control or restriction,
will his sickness get cured, same way if a Guru preaches
meaning of Tattva to those who are after worldly pleasures
will they experience self bliss ! To these people such a Guru
looks like Yama, the Lord of death.

Your eyes see this world through the light of Athma, 
forgetting this, ignorant people think, their eyes by themselves 
are seeing the world ! You only are support to everything & 
without you other things do not have independence. 

Due to covering of Maya, you are not conscious of knowing &
forgetting. Just as a person suffering from jaundice(pitta roga)
world looks as if rotating, due to knowledge,ignorance born in
you, this world is seen accordingly. This defect will go away 
by the kindness,blessings of Guru !

This world which is like a thick forest, should be burnt down
every day, at least for a second through formless samadhi, so
that sorrow generated by dream like thought is destroyed. 
Brahma,Vishnu,Shiva do creation, maintain, destruction without
taking rest, through Formless Samadhi attain real bliss !

Therefore, by Athma Dhyana through Nama Smarana, destroy
negative qualities like ego, head weight(mada), jealousy. 
Formless upasana(practice) is difficult for you, so think that
Athma is with form(eg.,shape of ista devatha) & follow upasana
with form. There is no difference between solid ghee or melted 
ghee, so also with form or formless upasana. Just like lotus leaf
born in water covers water itself, Maya born in you will not allow
you to know yourself ! Getting entrapped by Maya you think 
that you are jiva & lost your real state of full knowledge.

Athma which is without form, Maya which is associated with 
forms, become friends, there being no room to escape from
their association, by Athma Maya became pregnant & delivered
25 children. Maya along with her husband, lovingly provided 
things required by children & by extreme love follows her 
children everywhere.

In this way Jeeva got caught in attachment of samsara(family)
& had to undergo many cycles of birth, death.You, without 
imagination, by the association of Prakrithi, going round 
Swarga(Heaven), Naraka(Hell), repeatedly being born has to
live in many wombs, forgetting yourself, undergoing happiness,
sorrow, loosing direction, got caught in this worldly forest.
Due to this you are tied down by worldly shackles, got called 
as Jeeva which is a wrong notion, forgot knowledge(jnana),
you have gone far away from Athmananda, getting entrapped
in Prakrithi's bhava-pasha(worldly shackles) has made you not 
to move about in any direction.

My Child !, due to the association of Maya, Athma without
support being called as 'Jeeva' under going many difficuties, 
calls himself as 'sinned-one'(papi), 'I am doing Papa-Karma' 
thinks he is Jeeva & along with Subtle Body(sukshma sharira), 
has the wrong notion that he is the physical body.

My Son ! Athma which is nissanga(without association), why 
he should have association of Maya, when he is only a witness
to Maya !

You, who is capable of seeing your body, knowing about your
body, how can you have a body or its characteristics ? 
Athma is not having a body, however just as fire is there in 
wood, Athma is residing in various bodies. You are witness to
sleep, birth, death & hence you are not having any association
with the body. Eyes that see Hell, are the eyes themselves 
become Hell, just like that when you are only a witness, how 
you can be the body ? Body for which you are the support,
moves about like a kite in air. If body is real, 
dhyana(meditation), dharana(retention), samadhi(deep trance)
 etc. yogas may become false. To get rid of concept of having 
body, there are many yogas in this world.

Believing in what Guru says, view what is seen outside is your 
own mental projection, there is no need for following any yoga.
You need not do mantra(chanting), tantra, nyasa(placing hand
in tantra ritual),devatha, yantra(diagram drawn on metal sheet
to overcome a problem), puja(ritualistic adoration), upavasa
(not taking food), stotra(praising God through chanting), snana
(bathing), achara(following rituals), pradakshine(going round
temple,tree), sahasra nama(chanting thousand names), asana
(sitting posture), tharpana(offering of water), homa(offering to
fire), nishta(following ritualistic guide lines).etc.

Just like the movement of reflection of sun in a pot filled with
water when shaken, by association of sukshma sharira
(linga-deha), you undergo birth,death & move about. For the
pot filled with water, akasha(sky) is the witness, for sukshma
deha(subtle body) you are the witness. For the punya(result 
of good deeds), papa(result of bad deeds) done in dream
state, remedy is waking state. This world which is like dream,
remedy for transactions is knowing oneself. Just like a 
puppeteer making puppets to dance as per his wish, you 
being a witness, make your physical body to move about.
When reflection of moon is seen in many pots, if one of the 
pots is moved, reflection in other pots is not moved, same 
way, one person's happiness,sorrow other persons will not 
come to know. If moon itself moves, all reflections move
together, same way as you are pervading every where, one
person's happiness,sorrow all others come to know. Detail of
waking state is not seen in dream state, detail of dream state
is not seen in waking state, detail of waking state,dream 
state is not there in deep sleep state. Therefore My Son !
know that detail of what is happening in you is due to Maya ! 

"If I am Paramathma, why I am not having power to know
everything(sarvajnathva)" if you ask, Athma is not having
necessary means to know that. Sarvajnathva is there in
Ishwara,who is with form, creator of Maya & not in you
who is formless. Past, present, future knowledge
(kala-jnana) is applicable to Maya world & not for you who
is pure divine Soul, which is beyond Maya.Sages who does
Thapas(meditation) should earn jnana(knowledge) by the 
strength of their Thapas & should not fall for super natural
powers(siddhis). If they do, then unhappiness, sorrow,
birth,death follows them,know this for certain. All siddhis,
powers are of lower level than that of mind. When 
everything is Brahman, what is the use of hearing distant
talk from where you are sitting(one of the super natural 
powers). By these siddhis, you won't get liberation. Siddhis
are play of mind & Athma is beyond all this mind play. 

By the influence of magnet, iron pins move, however the
magnet does not wish that iron pins should move, same 
way by your nearness alone your body,senses carryout
their functions & you are only a witness to that.

Actions, cause, doer, enjoyer of fruit of action, happiness,
sorrow are characteristics of Prakriti, hence there is no 
room to say that Jeeva is bound. You are without form.
A statue made out of ghee, its body parts are also ghee
only, same way this world is Brahman only & to leave out
things with name,form you who is pure advaitha(non-duel) 
alone is there.

In dream if you see a ghost is holding you, as a result you
get scared, on waking up you find nothing same way,if you
leave unreal imagination(bhrame), you will not have birth,
death & other karma bandhas(actions holding you down).
You are Divine Thing ie, Athma(para vasthu). If you ask, 
how a jeeva with limited knowledge can become all 
knowing Ishwara, words like 'Jeeva', 'Ishwara' are 
imaginary due to Maya & in reality there is no difference
between Jeeva & Ishwara. Jeeva with consciousness 
(chaithanya), Ishwara with full chaithanya etc. are due to
Maya, in reality there is ONLY ONE ! Athma which is ONE
due to limitation(upadhi) is seen as Jeeva, Ishwara. Due to
this reason Yogis forgetting they are having Three Shariras
(bodies), move about just like torn kite, having body only
for name sake.

You may ask," Yogis who are supposed to be only witness
to what is happening, why are they doing upliftment of
disciples, teaching Divine knowledge(sad-bodha) ?"
Just as fried seed can overcome hunger only & will not 
sprout if put on earth, same way actions of yogis will not 
generate rebirths but only result in upliftment of their 
disciples. Just as a pot maker's wheel once turned 
continues to turn for some time, same way body of a Jnani
(Yogi), as per his Prarabhda karma moves about without
any desire. Coal,wood when caught fire, they burnout
exposing fire, fire of Brahma jnana burns out physical body
(sthula sharira), subtle body(sukshma sharira), exposing
his own real form which is Athma. Body of a jnani though
outwardly visible is nothing but Brahman only.Worldly 
people say "I am different", "that is different' whereas jnanis
say "everything is ONE only". Jnanis know all pervading
Paramathma(Great Divine Soul). This world is mithya ie.,
neither real nor unreal like dream), whereas Brahman is
real(sathya). A person sleeping, experiencing dream thinks
what he is seeing is real while it is happening, same way
ignorant people think this world is real. There is a saying
that a person telling crore lies, his son will tell hundred 
crore lies, Mirage like Maya's son Ishwara is crore lies, this 
world created by Him is hundred crore lies.

Jeeva who is in Pindanda(individual small egg-mlcrocosm), 
Ishwara who is in Brahmanda(universe as egg-macrocosm)
are one & same, just like from the same gold many types 
of jewellery are made.

Knowledge that everything is Brahman is firmly established
in you, then this world looses its attraction. Where there is 
Truth, there only false imagination happens just like where
 real rope is there, there only false imagination of snake
is seen(adhyasa). Same way in real Brahman, this false,
mithya world is seen. By waves water will not drown, by a 
spark fire is not burnt, by rays sun is not burnt, even if your 
body, senses are destroyed you will be in your natural, 
real state.

Without knowing "I am Brahman", "Everything is Brahman",
a person who believes in duality, how he can cross this
ocean of Maya world ? Whatever mind thinks believe, that 
is Brahman & get rid of doubting nature, that is Samadhi
(being one with Athma in a trance, mindless state).
Other than this, there is no other Samadhi. If Yogi's mind
moves in Rajas,Thamo gunas, after some duration of time
he will attain his real state. Just as a wife having a husband
dreams that her husband has died(ie., she has become 
vidhava), feels miserable, on waking up comes to know the
reality, same way Yogi gets rid of bad habits & gets 
established in his real state. For the sin committed in dream,
waking up to waking state is the remedy, same way Yogi
who is in clutches of Maya, coming to know 
"I am chinmayathma(Divine Soul full of knowledge)" is the
remedy. A Yogi who has become Brahman, by meeting him,
touching him, talking to him etc. forest of sins will be burnt
out. By falling prey to the mind, moving about, talking,
hearing, reading tattva scriptures, will not eliminate sorrows
of the samsara(family). This body is like a chariot, Athma is
passenger, senses are horses pulling the chariot, mind is 
the driver. This Driver(mind) without being afraid of 
passenger(Athma), driving the horses recklessly, takes the 
chariot, its passenger to thick forest & throws them out.
Hence this Driver(mind) should be controlled & made to

A person whose body has become weak says," I cannot
sit", "I cannot get up", is this applicable to body or Athma ?
Athma being only a witness, this talk has nothing to do
with Athma. People of the world cry, when somebody close
to them die. Dying is body or Athma(Soul) ? If you say body,
it is lifeless(jada), if you say Athma, it has no birth or death
(nitya mukta). Therefore dying is only imagination & nothing

People say Yogi is avatar of Ishwara(creator of Maya). If Yogi
is Ishwara, why he is not able to do creation ?, if you ask,
Yogi is Pure Divine Consciousness( Shuddha Brahma 
Chaithanya), but his body is full of Maya, hence he is unable 
to do actions like creation, for a Divine Thing how it can 
have duty, action etc.? By the power of this Divine Thing, 
Maya carries out actions like creation etc. Due to the 
association of Maya, Ishwara is thought to be the cause for
creation etc. Jeeva forgetting himself, thinking himself as 
Maya had to undergo many births, Ishwara knowing himself
became witness to Maya. Actions like creation etc. are called 
as Maya.

Reflection of moon is seen in sea, as well as in small pots
filled with water, however these small pots are not 
comparable to vastness of sea, same way Vidya Deha(body
with knowledge) is having capability of very high order,
where as Avidya Deha(Body with ignorance) is not at all 
capable & without any strength. On hearing this Shanmukha
asked Hara," Swami, a Jnani after knowing himself, leaving
Avidya Deha, getting Vidya Deha has become Ishwara, still
why he is not capable of creation ?". 

Hara told as follows --
When an arrow loaded on to a bow, when ejected from it,
flies to some distance & then falls down, even if the body is 
Vidya Deha, it will fall down. A Yogi is not capable of creation
till his Prarabhda Karmas are exhausted & his body falls 
down. Those who are having Avidya Body, these karmas
(actions) will not happen. Even if Paramathma is there in
Avidya Body, still creation cannot be done. Ishwara is
having Vidya Deha, hence He is all knowing(sarvajnatva).
Due to drawback of Avidya Deha, such people will not have
sarvajnatva, as well as capacity of creation. There is only
one difference between Yogi & Ishwara, is that of creation,
otherwise both are one & same. One who sees Yogi & 
Ishwara as different will go to Hell only. One who is Yogi,
Sad-Guru is Shiva, Shiva is Sad-Guru.There is no difference
between them. One who thinks Sad-Guru as ordinary human 
being, that bad person cannot escape worst Hell.

My Child ! meaning of word Guru is that, one who wards off
darkness of ignorance. Praying to lotus feet of Guru is capable 
of making us to cross the ocean of this Maya world.

Athma has two bodies called as Vidya(with knowledge 
ie. jnana), Avidya(ignorance ie. ajnana). Vidya body is called
as Jnana Sharira & Avidya body is called as Ajnana Sharira.
This is based on body Dharma. From Vidya body jnana, 
mind control, control of senses, peace, good thoughts, 
bhakti(devotion), dispassion are achieved & you get liberated.
From Avidya body desire, anger, thamasa guna, ego, lust,
ignorance, doubt, involvement in samsara(wife,son,father,
brother etc.), land, pride of body, rebirth etc. such bad 
qualities are generated. Having Vidya body Guru's teaching
results positively whereas Avidya body gives rise to doubts.
From Vidya body liberation is achieved, Avidya body gives rise 
to entanglement(bandhana). Person with Avidya body gets 
involved in family affairs, lust etc., boasts he is tattva jnani
even though he does not know & Guru's teaching will not have 
any result on him. Such person not knowing proper direction,
wrong actions will not achieve anything. We can test such
egoistic person who claims he is jnani in the following way --
Having clear knowledge that everything is Brahman, if he 
prostates to dog, fox, chandala(one who eats dog meat) who is 
lowest in cast catagory, with Sad-Guru bhava(line of thinking), 
then only we can be sure that he is a Jnani.

Sad-Guru of very high order called Arudha, who is like father 
only is entitled to teach meaning of Tattva, to a disciple
(shishya) doing good actions, who is like son should hear it.
Only then taught Divine knowledge yields good results on the
disciple. Guru who has achieved Arudha level, is adhikari
(entitled) to teach, on the other hand if an anadhikari(not
entitled) teaches it won't produce positive results. One who
is immersed in sea of lust(vishaya vasana), if he claims," I am
Brahman" will he become Brahman ? Without knowing about
what is Athma(which is Real ie. Sathya), Anathma(which is 
unreal ie. Asathya), without knowing these things, you cannot 
get rid of Vishaya Vasanas. Brahma vidya cannot be achieved
easily, father,mother,wife,son,relatives are all seen due to
Avidya(ignorance). My Child ! these people are not there for 
you now and also in the future. 

You are there in all bodies(as Athma) residing as witness.
In sea if waves move reflection of sun looks like moving, when
waves subside,reflection of only one sun is seen, same way 
in sukshma sharira(linga deha), if things move, it looks as if 
Athma moved. if thoughts subside, Paramathma is visible.
Just as sun is not affected, when its reflection is seen in dirty 
water, Brahman shining brightly in sukshma sharira
(linga deha) has no connection with the problems of Jeeva.
How mirage is seen like water, without water, in Brahman
jeeva thraya(jeeva in three states), avastha thraya -- waking
state,dream state,deep sleep state etc. are seen as full world,
everything is Brahman only & nothing else.

Action of seeing through eyes is not there for ears, action of
mouth is not there for nose, action of tongue is not there for
skin, believe you alone who is doing actions of all senses, is 
real(sathya),There is nothing great if father dies in front of son,
no injustice is done if son dies in front of father. First of all when
body itself is not real, linking death to imagination of happiness,
sorrow is height of ignorance !

Manas(questioning faculty), Buddhi(intellect), Chitta(memory),
Ahankar(Ego), Adi daivathe(God) these are Sathva gunas.
Ten indriyas(dashendriyas - Five Jnanendriyas, Five 
Karmendriyas) are Rajo gunas, Five basic elements(Pancha 
Bhuthas) tanmatras are Thamo gunas. These Three gunas 
are born from you only. For everything you are the root cause. 

A puppeteer, behind the screen keeps a lamp, makes puppets
made out of leather to dance, colours of the puppets are clearly
seen in the light from outside. Athma in Maya is visible as a 
reflection Maya rupa(form). Just like sun covered by clouds is 
not seen & when clouds clear, sun is clearly seen, same way
Athma covered by Avidya is seen as jeeva & when Avidya goes
away is seen with self effulgence brightness.

Happiness,unhappiness are seen in between body & Athma.
Body which is lifeless(jada) is not influenced by these, nor
Athma which is nirvikara ie. formless as well as free of vikaras
like lust,anger,attachment ,jealousy etc. Happiness,
unhappiness are like experience of dream appears in you, 
dissolves in you. Athma gets caught in Vidya, Avidya which are 
like dream. Just as reflection in a pot looks as if land is 
rotating, Athma by association of Avidya looks as if suffering in 
wheel of samsara. My wife, my children,myself such thoughts 
with ego, attachment due to Avidya is the cause for birth,death 
of body in which Athma exists. 

Ishwara playing in dices called Vidya, Avidya is witness. Ishwara
playing the game of dice spreads picture of world on the floor,
places innumerable bodies as pawns, throwing dice called 
'bhranti'(wild imagination), pushing the pawns forward, 
strengthening position of pawns, pairing pawns, killing one 
from another, again giving birth to them, plays the game as he 
likes. When pawns are killed is it dying ?, when pawn gets life 
is it born ?, winning a pawn gets Heaven ?, loosing a pawn 
goes to Hell ? pawns are jada(lifeless).

A person suffering from epilepsy, gets the name as epileptic,
when Athma gets Avidya body, he is called as jeeva, sinful,
entangled in actions(karmi), Just as the disease gets cured by
a doctor, through a Guru, when Avidya body goes away, you 
are that pure,real Athma only. Iron when heated, beaten can 
be used as tool for many works, same way if Athma is seen in 
Sukshma Sharira(Linga Deha), know that Sukshma Sharira
(Linga Deha)will not have rebirth. 

If a drop of oil is added to a pot full of water, oiliness spreads 
through out water, same way Athma is all pervading. Just as
snake is seen in a rope, in Athma body is seen. Why are you
reluctant to know yourself. You who is all pervading, is not 
restricted to one place, you are having innumerable forms, you
are Parabrahman only. If a rich man becomes poor, rich man,
poor man is one & the same person, same way Athma by 
wild imagination(bhrame) called as Jeeva, He is only one. 
Athma by wrong notion(upadhi), if called as Jeeva is not 
different, understanding this is NIJA BODHA.

If a young boy called Ranga became sanysi(yathi) & his
mother calls him as Rangappa, will Ranga, Rangappa
become different ? knowing this is NIJA BODHA.

If a person who is mentally stable, becomes mad, mentally 
stable person, mad person are they different ? the person
is one & same. If a person who is clean, becomes dirty will
there be any difference between the two,as theperson is 
one & same. Sthambha(pillar) is also called as Kamba,
Kumbha(pot) is also called as Koda, Sudhi(Honey) is also 
called as Jenu Thuppa, Nadi(river) is also called as Hole,
vrddha(old man) is also called as Muduka, thrna(grass) is
also called as Hullu, kshana is also called as Nimisha
(one minute), Khadga(Sword) is also called as Katti, Mrittike
(soil) is also called as Mannu, Nari(woman) is also called as
Stree, due to bhrame(wrong notion) Athma is called as Jeeva,
understanding this is NIJA BODHA.

Maya born from only one Paramathma(God), is seen in various
forms. By the ONE power of God, all living beings are seen.
Knowing this ONE Paramatma(God) is all pervading is 

This body which is like a pillar to keep a lamp, placing a lamp
having outside vision, pouring oil comparable to Prana etc.,
placing wick called as jeeva, in that light inside the body Athma
which is there, That I AM, knowing this is  NIJA BODHA.

Just as a store room full of items when cleared, looks like a 
field, when all body parts are removed from the body, knowing 
only Athma remains, is NIJA BODHA.

I am not -- gods like Hari, Brahma, varnas(cast division) like 
brahmana etc., ashramas like brahmacharya,grahastha etc.,
basic elements(bhuthas), senses, body parts, ego etc. & 
knowing I am only a witness to everything is NIJA BODHA.

Parama Purusha(Great male aspect), Paramathma(Great-Soul 
ie.God), Sachidananda(Always present-Knowledge-Bliss),
Chinmaya(full of knowledge), Para Shiva, I AM, knowing this 

When you place finger in between eyes, one lamp is seen as 
two, due to Maya bhranti(wild imagination, wrong notion),
Brahman is seen as two(Brahman,Ishwara) is NIJA BODHA.

Shruthi, Smrithi, all scriptures proclaim 'Only One Brahman'
knowing how to make That ONE as Two is NIJA BODHA.

All bathing, charity etc.,Kailasa etc., name & forms etc., 
everything I AM, knowing this is NIJA BODHA.

"I am Jeeva" telling like this is bhramathmaka(due to wrong
notion), whole world is bhrame, to remove this wrong notion,
knowing "Everything is Brahman" is NIJA BODHA.

Whole world, activity, flow of jnana as chain(sutra),body parts,
all things, "I AM" is NIJA BODHA.

Excluding me, all lifeless things, I am pervading as Athma in all 
living beings, I am only a witness to the whole thing is 

Shanmukha ! NIJA BODHA which I explained to you is as per 
Vedas which you should achieve very well. By hearing this
Bodha shackles of this world get broken, fear of birth,death
gets destroyed, Lord of Death moves away, Kingdom of 
Self-Happiness is born.

This Sad-Bodha should not be told to ignorant dullards, said
Shankara to Shanmukha.







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