
Monday 28 November 2011



             Even though MAYA is unreal, it has it's own basis,
system & rules.One jiva gets human birth after crores of 
births as other species,because man has mind which can 
think what is good,bad,wrong,right, experiences happiness,
sorrow,unlike other species.Scriptures say if a man gets 
SWARGA LOKA(HEAVEN) due to accumulation of PUNYA
(result of good deeds)he will not get liberation there,so he 
has to be born again as human being on earth to get it.
Therefore human birth is very valuable and should not be 
wasted.The only thing man has to achieve in human birth is 
liberation & not wife,children,wealth,power,fame etc.If not 
crores of birth-death cycles will continue. So we should 
know how rebirth takes place & liberation takes place.
            A JIVA (Athma with shariras & PAPA-PUNYA a/c) 
has three types of KARMAS:--

 1)SANCHITHA KARMA--accumulated karmas over many births 
                                             yet to come into play.
                                            matured & going to play out in a 
                                             new  birth.
 3)AGAMI KARMA---------present birth accumulated karmas
                                            at the time of death.
               A child is born with PRARBDA KARMA,It enjoys as 
per the PUNYA portion & suffers as per PAPA portion during 
its life span.When PRARBDA is exhausted,death of body 
takes place.
              Due to actions performed during present birth, PAPA 
& PUNYA accumulates which is called AGAMI KARMA.This 
AGAMI KARMA gets added to SANCHITHA KARMA & the 
cycle continues.
              If the PUNYA is more than PAPA in the AGAMI 
KARMA,you will be reborn as human being. If PAPA is more 
than PUNYA,you will be reborn as animal !!
              After many many births effort (SADANA),GOD's 
  anugraha,when the concept "I am not the body,ATHMA only" 
is firmly established,MANO LAYA,MANO NASHA take place 
and you see GOD in all ie,you become JEEVANMUKTHA-
liberated while living.This happens when all the PAPAS get 
exhausted only PUNYA portion remains,so that his body is 
maintained without doing any karmas.IN this stage,
PRARBDA only remains.

In the above state the JNANI is beyond PRARABDA also,
only others think he is experiencing PRARABDA. No more
 rebirths for him, he is one with ATHMA forever !!  
           What happens to the PAPA,PUNYA of the JNANI 
who is liberated?
CAUTION ! his PAPA goes to those who does harm,
 condemn,blame & disrespect him,PUNYA goes to those 
who serve,respect & adore him !   

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