
Sunday 20 November 2011


Another incident in RAMANA MAHARSHI's life--

         A sparrow had built it's nest near the place 
where RAMANA used to keep his bath towel.One 
day when he was removing the towel it touched the nest 
& one egg out of five fell down & cracked ! Ramana was very 
unhappy,he thought about mother sparrow's feelings towards 
that egg.RAMANA immediately kept a piece of wet cloth on the 
crack & intently gazed at the egg.Every day he would remove 
the egg from the nest & gaze at it ! This went on for about a 
week.Lo! the crack vanished ! In due course that egg hatched 
along with others !
              No logic or scientific theory can be applied to spiritual 
field ! We will touch on this subject sometime in future postings.  

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