
Saturday 12 November 2011




                    Your body is part of her body,soul one & same,is she other 
                    than you??

                      Your soul has chosen her as mother to fulfill all your future 
                       actions in this  life,the best & most appropriate as compared 
                       to other mothers at the time of entering the foetus !!
                       (This is supposed to be a secret as per 
                         MUNDAKA  UPANISHATH )

                         Love of MOTHER towards child is not comparable to any 

                         other form of love & is seen even in animals,birds.

                         MATHRU DEVOBHAVA(MOTHER is GOD), 
                          PITHRU DEVOBHAVA(FATHER is GOD), 
                            ATHITHI DEVOBHAVA(GUEST is GOD), 
                              ACHARYA DEVOBHAVA(GURU is GOD), 

                                  SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, GOD ONLY !!


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