
Thursday 24 November 2011


 For an effect there should be a cause,for eg, this 
maya universe with galaxies,stars,planets.This maya 
world with land,ocean,sky with human beings,animals,
creatures,plants ,trees & our conscious being,existence.
We observe changes like season,weather,calamities 
like earthquake,tsunami,hurricane,tornado.That cause 
is the basis for every thing.We can call it power,force,
shakthi or GOD which creates,maintains & destroys.

        In our life also we find happiness,tragedy,sorrow 
taking place which affects our day to day life.We require 
help to change the situation,mind aspires to be happy 
always.When our efforts don't yield results,mind longs 
to pray to a higher power ie,GOD which can change the 
situation.We see miracles taking place by prayer,bhakthi,
love towards God which reinforces our belief in GOD.
This is applicable to people who see GOD as a supreme
power outside them.
        In the case of a jnani,he believes his ATHMA as 
GOD,which is inside & outside in every thing.He sees
only one ATHMA in all.This belief only can lead him 
towards liberation & free him from birth,death cycle.     

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