
Friday 16 December 2011


Swami Nithyananda's DIVINE POWERS can stop a train !

He applied POO(SHIT) on his body to show GOD is in Everything !


He was travelling by train at Cannanore without ticket, 
TC made him to get down in next station.When the train 
was about to start,he got into another compartment.TC 
came there also & made him to get down at the next 
station.Nithyananda stood leaning on a lamp post on the 
platform.Train did not move,even after they tried every 
thing.Then it dawned on them that it is due to 
Nithyananda, they fell to his feet & requested to pardon 
them.Then the train moved forward without any 
         On another occasion, he was standing in between 
the rails,a sub-inspector told him to move away but he 
did not move.Train was coming very fast & 
sub-inspector thought he is finished but the train 
stopped away from him.The sub-inspector took him to 
his house, adored him & asked for his help in his 
personal problem.
            When he was in Mangalore he applied POO 
on his body to show GOD is in every thing & hid in 
Krishna Bai's attic.Then Seetha Bai another devotee 
also came there.Then both of them gave bath to him.     
             There are so many Leelas(miracles) in his life 
time.Some very interesting incidents we will cover in 
subsequent postings!                   

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