
Friday 2 December 2011

Did MONEY come to their rescue?

A small bullet,disease ,terrorism,accident,nature's calamity-- 
FATE can destroy the body in secs.however high his worth 
may be, it does not help!

    Let us take some cases who died in the recent past--
                 1)MAMMAR GODDAFI--$ 100 to 200 Billion
                 2)OSAMA BIN LADEN---$ 500 Million
                 3) SADDAM HUSAIN----- $ 2 BILLION
                 4) STEEVE JOBS----------- $  7 BILLION
                 5)RAJEEV GANDHI------- Rs.1,98,000 Crores
                 6)HARSHAD MEHTHA--- Rs. 1,35,800 Crores

         You see the huge amounts of money above,did it help them          anyway?How that MONEY is earned also counts,because you cannot hide any thing from GOD! Such amounts only helps in boosting ego (head weight), but fate will take its own course.I am not telling you should not have reasonable amount of money for
simple, comfortable living.

        To test RAMAKRISHNA PARAMA HAMSA, some people put coins,news paper under his bed when he went to bath room.As soon as he sat when he returned,he said it is very hot underneath
 & got up!!He used to say when he touches money his fingers bend & become stiff !RAMANA also was not handling MONEY.His relative was the sarvadhikari(executive)of ashram.SADASHIVA BRAHMENDRA was begging & eating.

        In this context I am remembering why Alexander is called ALEXANDER THE GREAT!After capturing three fourths of earth,he had the wisdom that he is leaving this world bare handed.He told that when he dies his coffin should have two holes on the sides through which his bare hands should be put out,to be seen by the public!

Story of Alexender - The Three Wishes


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