
Sunday 11 December 2011

WONDERS OF MAYA-Electric Eel..

Electric Eel-Shock of 600Volts

Electric eels can generate an electrical charge of up to 600 volts in order to stun prey and keep predators at bay.

These famous freshwater predators get their name from the enormous electrical charge they can generate to stun prey and dissuade predators. Their bodies contain electric organs with about 6,000 specialized cells called electrocytes that store power like tiny batteries. When threatened or attacking prey, these cells will discharge simultaneously, emitting a burst of at least 600 volts, three times the power of a standard INDIAN wall socket.

Poison Dart Frog-Nice Colour 

                           But Poisonous 


Dyeing Poison Dart Frog

Poison dart frogs, members of the Dendrobatidae family, wear some of the most brilliant and beautiful colors on Earth. Depending on individual habitats, which extend from the tropical forests of Costa Rica to Brazil, their coloring can be yellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue, or black. Their elaborate designs and hues are deliberately ostentatious to ward off potential predators, a tactic called aposematic coloration.

Yellow Sea Anemone-Beautiful But Deadly

Yellow Sea Anemone

The sea anemone may look like the beautiful flower for which it’s named, but fish that swim too close may regret it. The anemone, which is related to corals and jellyfish, uses venom-laden tentacles to stab passing victims with a paralyzing neurotoxin—rendering them helpless and fit to be eaten.

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