
Thursday 22 March 2012



The Hindu Dharma or Sanatana Dharma has its origins in 
such remote past that it cannot be traced to any one individual.
 It is the only religion, that is not founded in a single historic 
event or prophet, but which itself precedes recorded history. 

The Hindu tradition consists of several schools of thought. 
Thus any definition of Hinduism is somewhat arbitrary and 
requires qualification. One such definition is "the followers 
of Vaidika Dharma," or those who follow the religious 
teachings outlined in the Vedas and their corollaries. 

-- Dharma' is one of the most intractable terms used in the 
       Hindu philosophy and is derived from the root 'dhru', 
       meaning to uphold, sustain or support. 
-- Hindu Dharma comprises a medium, an instrument or an 
        integrated scheme of life by which one is prevented from 
        falling down and is uplifted spiritually. It is thus a way of 
        life or a value system. The word 'Religion' is used for the 
        lack of a better synonym for 'Dharma' in English 
-- Hinduism describes Dharma as the natural universal laws 
        whose observance enables humans to be contented and
       happy, and to save himself from degradation and 
-- Dharma is the moral law combined with spiritual discipline 
        that guides one's life. Hindus consider Dharma the very 
        foundation of life. 
-- Atharva Veda describes Dharma symbolically: Prithivim 
        Dharmana dhritam, that is, "this world is upheld by 
-- Anything that helps human being to reach God is Dharma 
        and anything that hinders human being from reaching 
        God is Adharma. For instance, in the  epic poem Maha 
        Bharata, the Pandavas represent Dharma in life and the 
        Kauravas represent Adharma. 
-- According to the Bhagavat Purana, righteous living or life 
       on a dharmic path has four aspects: 
       1)Austerity (tap), 
       2)Purity (shauch), 
       3)Compassion (daya) 
       4)Truthfulness (satya);  
       Adharmic or unrighteous life has three vices: 
       1)Pride (ahankar), 
       2)Contact (sang), 
       3)Intoxication (madya). 
-- Manusmriti written by the ancient sage Manu prescribes 
        ten essential rules for the observance of Dharma: 
       1)Patience (dhriti), 
       2)Forgiveness (kshama), 
       3)Piety or self control (dama), 
       4)Honesty (asteya), 
       5)Sanctity (shauch), 
       6)Control of senses (indraiya-nigrah), 
       7)Reason (dhi), 
       8)Knowledge or learning (vidya), 
       9)Truthfulness (satya) 
      10)Absence of anger (krodha). 
-- Manu further writes, following are the 
       4)Purity of body and mind 
       5)Control of senses 
-- Therefore Dharmic laws govern not only the individual but 
        all in society.The purpose of Dharma is not only to attain 
        a union of the soul with the supreme reality; it also 
        suggests a code of conduct that is intended to secure 
        both worldly joys and supreme happiness.
-- DHARMIC CHARACTERISTICS mentioned above are
       for the attainment of the highest ideal and eternal bliss 
       here and now on earth and not somewhere in heaven. 

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