
Sunday 25 November 2012





Requirement Of Notebook - Disciple Gets Dream,Brings It. 
Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi said, “This is the notebook 
K.K. Nambiar gave me.It was a very strange thing. There used 
to be a number of bound notebooks like this with us then. But 
still, Madhavan did not give me one, though I was asking for 
one for two or three days.Somehow, he was indifferent and I 
too did not press him. On the third day, Nambiar, who was 
then engineer here, came and gave me this notebook and 
said ‘Here is the notebook Bhagavan wanted’. Then it came 
out that he had a dream in which, it seems, I told him I wanted 
a notebook of such and such a kind and of such and such 
dimensions. He is now in America.”

Requirement of Kadukai(Indian Myrobolan) Fulfilled
Ramana Maharshi said,'I used to have a cough and also 
constipation in those days. I was then in Virupakshi Cave. I 
used to munch kadukkai now and then. One day our stock of 
 kadukkai had become exhausted. In those days, overseer 
(Sesha Iyer) used to come to me daily in the evenings, after 
his usual official round in the town, and he used to look after 
our requirements. So we told him we wanted kadukkai. He 
would generally attend promptly to any such want. But, 
somehow, he did not send it the next day and so I told 
Palaniswami, ‘When you go to fetch meals from the chattram 
this noon, remind the overseer about the kadukkai.’But 
before he went, the following incident happened. 

One Adimulam and his friends, from a village near Chengam, 
used to come here once a month, to go round the Hill. They 
would visit me also. They came that day, stayed with me some 
time,took leave and departed. After going a few paces, they 
came back and asked if we had any possible use for kadukkai. 
We said ‘Yes’ and then they brought a whole bag of them and
requested us to keep it. We took about two measures, 
selecting the best, and returned the rest to them.

It seems, as they were coming, they found this kadukkai all 
along the Chengam Road and they had gathered a whole bag. 
Evidently, some bags,carried overnight in the bandies plying 
on that road, were leaking and these had spilled out. So, I 
asked Palaniswami to tell the overseer not to send kadukkai 
from the town.”

The Person Presents Himself About Whom discussion Took
Place previous Day
When he was finishing the above narration, Mr. Kuppanna
came and prostrated himself before Bhagavan. Bhagavan said,
“Look at this. We are talking about the overseer and here is his
nephew.” (K. is overseer’s brother’s son.) Then T.S.R. put in,
“Such coincidences are too numerous. Recently, we spoke 
about Janaki Ammal and she arrived the following day. The 
other day, Krishnaswami remarked to Bhagavan that Yogi 
Ramiah had not come here for about two years, and he arrived 
the following day and is with us now.” Bhagavan continued,
“Kuppuswami’s coming reminds me of another incident. 

How Requirement of Dry Grapes Got Fulfilled
"One day, for something or other, I wanted dried grapes and 
asked those with me whether we had any in the Asramam. 
They had none. And we thought no more of that. That night
Kuppuswami’s father arrived from Madras, and he brought with
him a viss of good, clean dried grapes, not the sticky and dirty
stuff which we generally get here. It seems he arrived in the
town late in the night and wanted to buy some sweets to bring
them to me. He had never before brought any such thing, but
on that occasion it struck him he should buy something for me.
It seems all the shops were closed. But one grocer’s shop was
open and he went there. He had no idea of purchasing grapes 
at all. But the shopkeeper volunteered the information, ‘I have
fresh, good dried grapes, recently arrived. They are very good.
Buy some.’ And he bought a viss and took it to us.”

Disciple With Pure Mind Receieves Telepathy As Ramana
"Such happenings were very common in the
case of Ayyaswami who was with me. The moment I thought
of anything, the same thought would occur to him and he
would do what I wanted. I used to ask him, ‘Why did you do
this?’ and he would reply, ‘I don’t know. Somehow the thought
came to me and so I did it’.” 

Requirement of INK Fulfilled Through Telepathy
T.S.R. said, “How is it, it is not our good fortune to have such 
calls made on us, as on Nambiar?” Then Ramana told him, 
you brought a bottle of Stephens ink, saying you had a dream 
in which I wanted it.”

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