
Wednesday 9 January 2013


Ramana Maharshi on Sahaja Samadhi

What is samadhi?

Ramana Maharshi : The state in which the unbroken 

experience of existence-consciousness is attained by 

the still mind, alone is samadhi. 

That still mind which is adorned with the attainment of the 

limitless supreme Self, alone is the reality of GOD.

When the mind is in communion with the Self in darkness, 

it is called nidra [sleep], that is, the immersion of the mind 

in ignorance. Immersion in a conscious or wakeful state is 

called samadhi. 

Samadhi is continuous inherence in the Self in a waking 

state. Nidra or sleep is also inherence in the Self but in an 

unconscious state. In sahaja samadhi the communion is 


What is sahaja ?

Ramana Maharshi : Remaining permanently in the primal 

state without effort is sahaja.

In sahaja samadhi, the mind has resolved itself into the Self 

and has been lost. Differences and obstructions(unrest of the 

body, of the sight, of the vital force and of the mind, the 

cognizance of objects and activity, are all obstructions for him) 

do not therefore exist here. The activities of such a being are 

like the feeding of a somnolent boy, perceptible to the 

onlooker (but not to the subject). The driver sleeping on his 

moving cart is not aware of the motion of the cart, because 

his mind is sunk in darkness. 

Similarly the sahaja jnani (liberated sage) remains unaware 

of his bodily activities because his mind is dead, having been 

resolved in the ecstasy of Awareness (Self).Like a river 

discharged into the ocean and its identity lost; a river cannot 

be redirected from the ocean.

Mind is alive;Mind is alive;Mind is dead;
sunk in oblivion.sunk in light;resolved into the Self;
like a bucket with the rope, left lying in the water in a well;like a river discharged into the ocean and its identity lost;
to be drawn out by the other end of the rope.a river cannot be redirected from the ocean.

Those who have experienced kevala return to the experience 

of the perception of a world, a body, etc., because the 

mind-ego that creates such a delusion-perception is not dead.

 I have noticed that such people often imagine they are 

liberated and begin teaching.

Question : May I have a clear idea of the difference

between savikalpa and nirvikalpa?

Maharshi : Holding on to the supreme state is 


When it is with effort due to mental disturbances, it is


When these disturbances are absent, it is nirvikalpa. 

Remaining permanently in the primal state without effort

is sahaja

Question : Is nirvikalpa samadhi absolutely necessary 

before the attainment of sahaja?

Ramana Maharshi : Abiding permanently in any of these

samadhis, either savikalpa or nirvikatpa, is sahaja [the 

natural state].

What is body-consciousness? 

It is the insentient body plus consciousness
 Both of these must lie in another consciousness which is

absolute and unaffected and which remains as it always is,

with or without the body-consciousness. What does it then 

matter whether the body-consciousness is lost or retained,

provided one is holding on to that pure consciousness? 

Total absence of body-consciousness has the advantage 

of making the samadhi more intense, although it makes no 

difference to the knowledge of the supreme.


What is the end of the spiritual search, and who has saved 

himself according to Sri Ramana Maharshi?

The end of the ego-illusion is the end of the spiritual search

according to Sri Ramana Maharshi.

According to Sri Ramana Maharshi, only the death of the ego,

never to return, can be called liberation.

The following is verse 40 of “Reality in 40 Verses” by Sri

Ramana Maharshi:

“If asked: ‘Which of these three is final liberation: - with form, 

without form, or with and without form?’ I say, ‘Liberation is 

the extinction of the ego which inquires ‘With form, without 

form, or with and without form?’” 


Ishwara teaching Shanmuga

It is difficult to explain 'Sahaja Samadhi' as it has to be 

experienced by the sadhak himself.Experiencing 'ATHMA'

in a natural way is 'Sahaja Samadhi'.

By arresting the king(ATHMA), mind(Manas,Buddhi,Chitta

Ahankara) posing as Athma was trying to play in Maya.The 

king(Athma) getting hold of his position & arresting the mind

& Athma shining in its true nature,full of power is Sahaja 

Samadhi. Athma being only a witness to the three states

& achieving Mano nasha,experiencing Sat-Chit-Ananda as

Athma is Sahaja Samadhi.

Surrendering to GOD completely,blocking all thoughts in

mlnd, meditating on Athma, as a result merging mind in 

Athma permanently ie, MANO NASHA(not MANO LAYA

which is temporary),loosing the three states,not feeling he 

has a body,onlookers may think he is doing action but

actually he is actionless,having no impact of outside world

is the Yogi in Sahaja Samadhi.Such a Yogi may take bath,

may be dirty,with no thinking of auspiciousness or 

taking,drinking,walking,talking--carrying out all these 

actions being fully established as Athma without having any 

regard for good deeds,bad deeds,rituals,sacrifices,actions

etc.With the firm belief that Athma is Brahman,that is me

in all & every thing is Sahaja Samadhi.Such a RAJA YOGI

without any binding, of his own spontaneous will moves 

about like a King!

The great yogi will not be carried away by praise or crest 

fallen by abuse,respect,disrespect,comfort,discomfort,tasty

food,bland food,rich,poor,good omen,bad omen,covered by

cloth or naked,city or forest,male or female,hot or cold,pity or

harsh,birth or death,beauty or ugly,he treats them all 

without differentiating them ! All that is seen is me only that

is the outlook of Sahaja Samadhi Yogi !

If a Yogi achieves this Sahaja Samadhi,all other types of 

yogas merge in this. There is no yoga greater than this.

There is no greater RAJA YOGA than this.

This should not be told to those who look down at Sadhus,

 who hate Dharma & who is an idiot.This narration is in all 

ways, do good to humanity & brings divinity to those who 

follow it.



1 comment:

  1. For further explanation refer to GOD SPEAKS by MEHER BABA, easily downloaded from the MEHER BABA TRUST website
