
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Ajja - Spiritual guru-INTERESTING LIFE STORY

Ajja - Spiritual guru-INTERESTING LIFE STORY

- I met him twice while living !
- Visited his Samadhi twice !!

Ajja, the Advaita-Jnani-Saint from Puttur (Southindia). 

Ajja's life story is mysterious.Once one Bhat from
BELLARE near PUTTUR (my native place) went to a
marriage with his wife & children.Suddenly he fell
down & died.

Within no time the dead body came to life but he
was not recognizing wife & children. He said he
does not know them, meaning soul of Bhat has
departed the body & another soul has entered the
body. That is PARAKAYA PRAVESHA .He stayed
in a guha & one muslim served him for seven years.
The muslim passed away.Then one lady of about\
25 year old left her family & started to serve him.He
refused to under take some financial transaction of
Bhat,but the opposite party insisted & took him to
Bantwal to an office made him to sign papers & gave
him about Twenty Thousand Rupees which Ajja
threw out of window !!

Ajja then shifted to PUTTUR & stayed in my closest
friend Ravindra rao's house upstairs for 10 months. I
don't know why I did not meet him at Ravindra's

Then he shifted to his own ashram which is at a
walkable distance from our house at PUTTUR.Once
when I went to Puttur,Ravindra & myself went to his
ashram.He was lying on a sofa like Ramana Maharshi,
which I told him,Jokingly I told him whether he has
any plans to change the present body for which he
smiled.He knew my father's name & location of our
house.He used to close his eyes once in ten minutes.
When I asked why he is doing that he told he is seeing
inside !!

When I visited, Swamiji of Swarnavalli Mutt was due 

to visit him that day.Earlier he had met Ajja for some 
clarification.what Ajja explained he couldn't grasp,
then he sat in silence for half an hour (LORD 
DAKSHINAMURTHY's method of conveying Jnana thro' 
mouna) at the end of which Swamiji told his doubt was 
cleared.Swamiji's teaching guru Sri Varadachar(who is 
a shishya of Shriranga Mahaguru of Mysore)was 
present at Ajja's Ashram in this connection.

Varadachar told me Ajja is at the highest level of 
GOD Realisation & that there is nobody in Karnataka 
above him.After knowing my name Varadachar was 
astonished to find that I am a non-brahmin & he 
asked me three times at different times ,"Neeu 
Brahmanarallao?" meaning "Are you not a Brahmin ?"

When I was about to leave Ajja told me,"Mundakke 
hoguva"meaning let us make further progress in 

On my second visit I told Ajja about my progress & 
told him to bless me by keeping his hand on my 
head.Smilingly he told,"Ashirvadisalikke kai mele 
elude illa" meaning "To bless me, his hands are not 
lifting up" and he smiled. He also asked me to visit 
Prarthana Mandir first in which a big photo of 
Gandhiji is kept. I went there & prayed for half an 
hour. I met a couple working in garden,who told they
are with him in the Ashram for the last five years & 
they are happy.

He also told,"Neeu bandralla !" meaning,"You came to
 meet me !".He was not blessing anybody as he sees 
GOD in ALL. I was carried away so much that I hugged 
him tight for his blessing,five ladies serving at Ashram 
also requested him on my behalf,but he didn't oblige.
Now I would do the same in his position !! He built 
SAMADHI for his dead body while living only!! Doctor 
who treated him during heart attack (by observing 
what was unusual happening) became his bhaktha !! 
He passed away about five years back.God alone 
knows whether he has chosen another parakaya 
pravesha or not !! 

On my later visit to His Samadhi, I was taken to his bed
room, where I saw a painting on the wall which indicated
that God has made hisindividual Soul Equivalent
(samanvaya) to that of Gandhiji(people have observed 
that his principles aresimilar to that of Gandhiji). His
shishyas also confirmed that he will not take another
body & this is the final Samadhi. I also saw photo of
Ajja in Samadhi State without consciousness of outside
world with limping body.We also attended night prayers
in the Prayer room(not in the Samadhi room).One old
person who I was told is a Trustee was full of Bhakthi
with concentration to his Guru during the Prayers. We
were served with simple night meal along with the

I also visited the Samadhi for the Second time. I met a
couple who came all the way from Mangalore 60 Kms.
just to pray at the Samadhi for 15 minutes ! We found
inmates of Ashram reluctant to answer our questions.
It looked as if all are busy doing some form of Karma &
no importance is given to improve Spiritual Jnana.
YouTube - Videos from this email


  1. A very good blog. Will Ajja's discourse in the Kannada language ever be translated into English?

  2. nice information
    more spiritual information click here

  3. I also met ajja.
    He is the most influenced person in my life.I remember almost every moments left with Him.

  4. Thank you for sharing ajjaji infirmation
