
Tuesday 15 November 2011

Sri Ranga Mahaguru of Mysore

Sri Ranga Mahaguru of Mysore
      -How Human Mind Receives JNANA Through DIVINITY

               -Jnana Flows to MIND Automatically Without reading on any subject

                sri ranga mahaguru

His Holiness Sri Ranga Mahaguru

His holiness Sri Ranga Mahaguru was born to Sriman Tirumalacharya an agriculturalist and Srimati Rukminiyamma. As a child Sri Ranga Mahaguru was known as Srinivasa Ranga or simply as Rangasamy. Sri Ranga Mahaguru’s father was a Sri Vaishnava Brahmin who performed religiously all the rites prescribed by the tradition without fail. Sri Ranga Mahaguru had little formal education but that did not hinder his mental progress. He possessed an extra-ordinarily sturdy physique and intellectual powers of a high order. He spent some years in the maharaja’s Sanskrit college in Mysore. He also worked in the Yogasala there as an instructor. Some years later due to some differences in opinion he had left the Yogasala and returned to Hedathale and founded what we know today as the Ashtaanga Yoga Vijnana Mandiram. As the activities of the Mandiram increased, the Mandiram moved it’s base to Mysore with branches in Bangalore and Chikkamangalur District.
Sri Ranga Mahaguru, attained spiritual knowledge at a young age and became well versed with the intricacies of Yoga which was a lost science. In later years he had many disciples whom he shared this knowledge with, one of them who is none other than HH Sri Rangapriya Mahadesikan. Sri Ranga Mahaguru attained paramapadam in 1969. His achievements are well documented in an English biography published by Ashtaanga Yoga Vijnana Mandiram

Lord Hayagreeva withGoddess


Lord Vishnu's Avathar of 

GURU with Horse Face

(Dakshinamurthy is the 

GURU avathar of SHIVA ) 


Late HH Shri Rangapriya Swamiji

One of His Main Shishyas

His other Shishyas are--

             Late Shri Ramabhadrachar-Teaching

Guru of Raghaveshwara Swamiji 

Shri Varadachar--TeachingGuru of
                                               Swarnavally Swamiji   
Late Shrikanta

Shrinivas T

Shri Chayapathi

Shri Gurudas      etc.

He gave DIKSHA to his wife Vijayalakshmi &

she was able to attain SAMADHI STATE in 3

months.She is not having flow of JNANA like

Mahaguru.His shishyas meticulously made

notes of what he has told & have published

many books.You can see deep & thorough

knowledge in those books because of DIVINE

WISDOM. He believed in varnashram & "madi"

He used to say SHIVA also is form of GOD like

VISHNU,even though he is a Vaishnavite.He

has drawn sketches of NATARAJA & explained

their significance. 




SINGING-in all fields.He used to find 

shortage of money for his projects in spite 

of DIVINE WISDOM. He has told a SOUL can 

be sent to a desired LOKA through a Jnani 

by proper rituals.He had achieved samadhi 

state at the young age of 20years,even 

before marriage.He has children.He passed 

away as his body sugar level became 

uncontrollable even in hospital.

            I am fortunate to get DARSHAN of his

wife Gurujini VIJAYAMBIKE,Pujas & pravachan

conducted by Parama Pujya RANGAPRIYA

SWAMIJI,Attended classes conducted by Late


met Shri varadachar at AJJA's Ashram at 

Puttur & joint secretary T. Shrinivas.

Pl. read --



1 comment:

  1. For an authentic biography of Sriranga Mahaguru visit and
