
Sunday 13 November 2011

CLUTCHES OF MAYA--MY GURU'S approach to other's problems & his own problem!!

----He used to entertain other's worldly problems, give      
     solutions & everything used to take place as he says !

----One look at you, he used to know your thoughts,your
past, present & future.You can not lie to him !

----He used to feed whoever comes to his house ! He never                             
used to take even fruits, hence those who have      
taken used to distribute to others themselves.

----Visitors used to request him to come to their house,when           
      they are about to give their address, he used to tell them
      their address & used to say I don't need address.

----Depending on individual, his approach used to be different.
     For people before me he attended to their worldly problems. When I 
     told I have worldly problems he literally turned his back & stood.                                                                                                                                         
     Others were disposed off in 5 to 10 mts. I was tested for
      nearly 3 hrs.

----He never used to be in the house,always used to go out    
      to help others, even distant places.After my first visit I 
      went on five different occasions,he was not in house !!   
His own problem :
   He has a son with a distant look,not taking interest in 
      anything ,only keeps smoking.One of his close relativestold GURU
      that he is helping the whole world but not doing anything to his own 
      son !! For this he smiled & told "Ella sari hogutthade".The same
      relative broached the same subject on at least three occasions & he 
      got similar reply. About a year back my GURU passed away& the
      son continues to be in the same way.

CONCLUSION :Knowing the unreality of this MAYA ,my
GURU did not bother about his own son's case,even though he could have changed the situation, if he wanted !! 

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