
Sunday 13 November 2011



  • I used to go to a temple of GODDESS LAKSHMI in a house where I used to experience HER SHAKTHI. An old lady was a medium.
  • Whenever I visited the temple I used to feel as if  my heart is pressed & felt like shouting "AMMA"("OH! MOTHER")
  • I used to read lot of spiritual books of SHANKARACHARYA,RMANA MAHARSHI, RAMAKRISHNA VIVEKANANDA & UPANISHATHS. All the books on ADVAITHA were indicating that world is not real & that it is MAYA !!
    • One day I went to the temple around noon &the old lady was resting in front of idol.I told the lady I want to know whether the world is real or unreal,she should ask the GODDESS & tell me. 
    • To start with the lady began telling her own opinion in Kannada,"THEERI HODAVARIGE LOKA ILLA,BADUKIRUVAVARIGE....."(for those who died world is not there,for the this point she got GOD'S                  message-devara drishti) & told "ENU ILLA,ENU ILLA,ENU ILLA"(nothing is there,nothing is there ....3 times)She was shocked to such an extent that she went into her house & did not come out for an hour!! 
      • This revelation had a profound effect on me indicating ADVAITHA PHILOSOPHY'S outlook & GOD's SUPER POWER of MAYA !!
      • Later with awakening of KUNDALINI I am able to experience what she told.    

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