Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga
Shanmukha told Parameshwara --
'Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga' postings are based on
'Jnana Sindhu' writings of great CHIDANANDA AVADHUTHA
of very high spiritual level based on VEDANTHA
(UPANISHATHS). He had given the copy of the book to the
parents of a future Avadhutha even before the baby is born,
telling parents Goddess will take birth as their son & to give
the book to the boy when he will be twelve year old who is
destined to become an Avadhutha by name
north Karnataka.
'Jnana Sindhu' writings of great CHIDANANDA AVADHUTHA
of very high spiritual level based on VEDANTHA
(UPANISHATHS). He had given the copy of the book to the
parents of a future Avadhutha even before the baby is born,
telling parents Goddess will take birth as their son & to give
the book to the boy when he will be twelve year old who is
destined to become an Avadhutha by name
north Karnataka.
Shanmukha told Parameshwara --
Oh GOD of GODS ! You told PARABRAHMA is omnipresent
in this world & as all forms in this world ! Now please explain
in detail why we have to call it as NIRALAMBA -
Parameshwara told Shanmuka--
inner BLISS, get rid off worldly pleasures, vasanas
caused by MAYA ! Just as shape of liquid appears to
depend upon the shape of container in which it is filled
with, when we remove MANAS, BUDDHI, AHANKARA,
PANCHA TANMATRAS (Five inner motors of senses)
total EIGHT CHARACTERISTICS, what remains is
state of NIRALAMBA - ie, without support.
[1] GANDHA TANMATRA = perceived by Smell
[2] RASA TANMATRA = perceived by Taste
[3] RUPA TANMATRA = perceived by Sight(shape)
[5] SABDA TANMATRA=perceived by Hearing(sound)
If you hear this it is as a result of your good deeds, good
fate & you experience this in depth. By hearing this you
will be like me, I will be like you.
From Maya created by formless Brahman many things
happened. Firstly from A-kara, U-kara, MA-kara letters
(aksharas) - Brahma,Vishnu & Rudra were born giving rise to
creation(sristi), Maintenance(sthithi) & destruction(laya)
By egoistic tendency many reactionary forces join together
leading to road of activity,getting bound, taking birth there &
get destroyed there..Being born formlessly,getting destroyed,
dancing by the support of formlessness, doing childish
pranks,talking,they carryout activity.That formlessness is
Brahman only, thus deciding is Niralamba.
Talking, hearing, looking, pride of cast,bad deeds,eyes,teeth,
lust,anger,eating,adventure,wife & children,thinking,fear,
peace,gold,soil,mind control,animal, penance, decision, doubt,
friends,news,suffering, bhakthi,strength,cleverness,dispassion,
person,parts of body,cloth,musical instrument, morality,
boldness, protection,politeness,future, senses,food,move for
relaxation,direction,natural law(thathva),sun,moon,three
qualities,myself,yourself,doubtful business,behavior,talk,etc.
all kinds of items are formless Brahman - understanding
thus is NIRALAMBA.
How bella(jaggery,brown sugar) by misnomer called as
achhu(mould- as jaggery is prepared by pouring into moulds)
which is a false name,so also thanthu(thread,string,wire) by
misnomer called as 'pata' which also is a false name, even
where real things exist false(mithya) names crop-up. These
imaginations are seen in yourself, so you are Brahman, as
everything being Brahman only,Maya is only imaginary. This
world is like a water-mirage(seen in noon bright sunshine)
with hills,rivers & forests is unreal only. How a dear by seeing
a water mirage thinks it is real & runs towards it, only to land
into more trouble,those who believe this world as real are lost
in the forest of repeated birth-death cycle, experience sorrow
Richness of money,assets, extreme poverty which you
experience in dream,you believe as real, those who are
dullards believing this world as real, fall into the trap of
difficulties only.This world is only imaginary,Maya.s magic
like Indrajal, for a moment it looks REAL(SATHYA) due to
Maya in Brahman.Waves & foam that you see in water
is nothing but water only, same way in Brahman this world
is seen is Brahman only.If you see waves in water-mirage,
is it real ?same way this world seen by the imagination of
mind, how it can be real,as mind itself is thought to be in
Brahman.Just as a piece of rope is imagined to be a snake
due to adhyasa,MAYA is in Brahman like a dream. Wood
only is seen as beams,pillars same way Brahman only is
seen in the form of world.In the self resplendent bright
light of Brahman, Maya is seen & vanishes.
Imaginary Maya in that GREAT ONE divides in two ways
as Vidya,Avidya & is seen as many universes.Like image
in a photograph,Maya is seen momentarily in Brahman,
however in-depth contemplation reveals that there is no
such thing as Maya itself.Due to false imagination(bhranthi)
of men word Maya has evolved.If you search for Maya,
you cannot find it, so Maya which does not exist if you say
it exists,only sinners can tell like that.
Just as the sentence 'A barren woman by birth is pregnent'
is false,same way is the meaning of the word 'MAYA'.
A person who says he has seen horn of moon & another
hearing it, are both dullest of the worst kind, same way those
who say MAYA is real are at the highest level of ignorance !
A person who tells he saw a house without pillars,walls in the
sky & the person who says he has seen a man with eyes
behind in the back are wild imaginations, same way
substance called MAYA, is unrealistic like a dream.
What is seen in formless Brahman, is nothing else but
Brahman only.Moon,sun,stars,Mahendra etc.,languages
like Sanskrit,life forms,world,universe,flowers like lotus etc.,
working with the intention for gain,forms of God like Rama,
love,devathas of eight directions,demons,animals,birds,
insects,microbes,tasty rich food,birth,growth,giving,buying,
telling'I lost,am finished','I am saved' cooking,childhood,
youth,old age,getting bitten by scorpion & resulting pain,
God of death,his executives,death,sorrow,scared,climbing,
giving loan,son,wife,friends,hands,feet,other body parts,
chain which symbolizes marriage(mangala suthra),telling
let us see tomorrow or day after, action against cast
dharma, untouchability, sins,fight,kindness,strength,weakness,
oblation to fore fathers,rituals followed based on planetary
positions on certain days,yoga & related activity,week days,
waning period.rising period of moon(paksha),planetary
position trouble in horoscope, body,all things are dreamlike.
My child ! It is important to know that action of telling you
is false,you hearing is false,the pleasure you get out of that
also is false,preaching you is false,ganas(those who serve
parameshwara) assembled here is false,everything is
saturated by Brahman only. Brahman is formless, without
parts or limbs & beyond explanation or description.All the
universe is formless only.By the resplendent light of
Brahman, though this world is seen like a mirage,there is
nothing else, other than Brahman.
'From knowledge(vidya) one became God' 'From ignorance
another became Jiva' though different names are evolved,
on contemplation Athma is ONE only.God with infinite
knowledge may be visible for a second,in that same period,
Jiva full of ignorance is seen crores of times.By knowledge
you learn, by ignorance you forget.From Brahman, who is
knowledge form, ignorant form Jiva is born & dies.Brahman
decides & fixes the system, Jiva due to ignorance is the
follower of the system.Both these two are created by
one ATHMA, over many yugas(spreading thousands &
thousands of years).When you are able to get rid off both
knowledge & ignorance,what remains is very pure ATHMA.
This GREAT LORD, 'creates' as Lord Brahma,maintains
as Lord Vishnu & destructs as Lord Rudra.
Due to MAYA. this way of thinking(bhava) as JIVA & ISHA
(lord) takes place.ATHMA is without any defect(nishkalanka).
Just as a seed contains imprint of tree,leaf,flower& fruit,
same way Jiva & Isha are in world,which are nothing but
Athma. These names & forms are seen & conceived due to
wrong thinking,ignorance.As you see waves, foam in sea,
which is nothing else than water, same way when Brahman
is seen in the form of this world,can we think of differentiation
between them ?
Child ! You are ATHMA which is without support(niralamba).
really do believe in that.This explanation is based on SHRUTI
(vedantha) & not imagination. I swear for this in the name of
Parvathi,Ganapathi,ganas,Sanaka etc.including myself. All
things are nothing but formless Athma & all what is seen is
MAYA,please know that.Knowing this NIRALAMBA only,
Jeevanmukthas get position of ATHMA.
In this way Parameshwara explained NIRALAMBA for
crossing ocean of life & to help the world, mother earth
became happy. Devathas,Rishis who were near by drowned
in the lake of Happiness. Auspiciousness to Mukthi, this
sadhana,for those who read this & hear. This knowledge
of high status should not be told to those who blame Guru,
acted against, disrespected Guru,This way when Shankara
explained,Shanmukha experienced state of Bliss !
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