Adi Sankaracharya, while propounding Nirguna Brahman
Upasana, also refers to worship of the Saguna Brahman
in his Brahma Sutra Bhashya. It is shown that the same
fruit of Moksha that is attained through severe penance
and meditation involving sravana, manana and nidhidyasa
on Nirguna Brahman is also attainable to those who
practice Saguna Brahman Upasana, that is, when one
remains devoted to a Krishna, Rama or Siva.
Questioner: What is meant in Hinduism by “Saguna Brahman”
and how is that different from “Nirguna Brahman”
Answer: The term Saguna means “with attributes”. The term
“Saguna Brahman” implies that God has a name and form
and other attributes. Many Savikalpa Samadhis give rise to
the (living) form of the Ishta Devata. Ishta Devta is one’s
favored way of visualizing the divine. It might be Krishna,
Jesus, Rama, the Goddess or some other Deity of choice.
Nirguna means “without attributes”. The term “Nirguna
Brahman” implies that God as the Absolute has no name
and form or attributes. Nirvikalpa Samadhi reveals the
Nirguna nature of the Self.
In a chapter of Brahma-Sutras which deals with the nature
of qualities of Brahman, it mentions positive attributes like
'joyful,' 'intelligent,' etc., as well as negative attributes like
'measureless,' 'colourless,' etc. Both kinds of attributes
are referred to the absolute and yet the contemplation of
such a Brahman can be called Nirguna-Upasana or
meditation on condition-less Brahman. The chief distinction
between the contemplation of the conditioned (Saguna) and
unconditioned (Nirguna) Brahman is that in the former the
devotee looks upon it as really connected with those
attributes, while in the latter, positive and negative qualities
are not viewed as essentially connected with it, but as
suggesting its absolute nature. Hence, joyful etc., do not
enter into the essence of the contemplated Brahman but
act as a gateway for grasping its true nature. In the
contemplation of the conditioned Brahman, those and
similar other properties form a part of the contemplation.
The term Nirguna does not mean that Brahman is a
negative concept, the Brahman is a non-entity or zero. It
means that the qualities found here in limitation, are found
illimitable in Brahman. It means that the attributes are
Brahman's essential nature or His Svarupa. It means that
Brahman does not possess perishable qualities of matter
like the blue colour of a cloth but possesses all auspicious
qualities (Sarva-Kalyana-Gunas). Brahman is Nirguna-Guni.
Nijaguna Shivayogendra on Gunas of Brahman--
We can decisively tell, this world consisting of
consciousness(chethana) & non-living things(achethana)
are imagined by chidrupa Brahman only.
All-knowing(sarvajnathva), All-Lordship(sarveshvarathva),
All-control(sarvaniyanthrathva), All-pervading
(sarvantharyamithva), All-Souls(servathmakathva),
Not-doing(akarthrthva), Doing(karthrthva), Other-Doing
Sristi(creation),Sthithi(maintaining), Laya(destruction),
Niyamana(controlling, ruling),
Anupravesha(Ishvara himself became multiple Jivas)
My child ! I shall now explain as per your wish, listen attentively.
Just like Arjuna aimed at the target kept above, looking down
at the reflection of target in oil, same way aiming at the tip of
nose, concentrating mind on sky of heart(hridayakasha) is
daharakasha characteristics.
By this Upasana(worship),you get real bliss of liberation.
You experience Athma-Sakshathkara.
My child ! for your sake I explained to you both
types of worship. Among these two,if you follow any one,
you can achieve this yoga. First follow with attributes
sagunopasana, then follow worship without attributes
ie,Nirgunopasana. Reason being in Sagunopasana
Dvaitha is there, which leads to difficulties.
Nirgunopasana is superior, hence follow that type of
For both types of worship results in same liberation.
To achieve these upasanas, resulting liberation you
should have aversion,dislike,dispassion(virakti,vairagya)
to worldly enjoyments & things,there is no other way.
Positive results are achieved by those who are having
aversion,disgust for worldly ways.Without worship
also results are not achieved.When Upasana & Yoga
join together, leads to liberation.
Just as yoga expands,worship also expands.If Yoga
is not there,worship also not there.When a Yogi
achieves this Yoga & worship, he becomes real
Brahman only.He will submerge in ocean of happiness.
This Yogi will not suffer from Thapa thrayas--
three types of difficulties -- adibhauthika (physical),
adideivika(external calamity destined),adimanasika
(worries of mind) & by Self generated happiness
gets immersed, thus Hara told Karthikeya.
On hearing this Karthkeya with folded hands told
Hara, GOD of GODS ! I have a doubt which is --
"a sadhaka with full earnestness & great Bhakti
involved in Yoga & worship, suddenly mind looses
concentration & dies, but he has not achieved yoga,
Karma & Yoga stopped abruptly, so what will be his
fate ?".On hearing this Hara told as follows.
Child ! For a Yogi who could not complete yoga in
a lifetime,has no problem in this world or in other
worlds.If he dies suddenly,he will go to good lokas
(other worlds like kubera loka,sathya loka etc.) &
enjoy the fruits of his action, then he will return to
this world, take birth in a rich family.Otherwise he
may take birth in a family of jnanis(family members
with knowledge of Adhyathma) & by previous birth
samskara(actions,impressions) will continue Yoga
Baby ! Greatness of Yoga cannot be described,
beyond imagination. That Yogi whose yoga got
discontinued in previous birth,though interested in
actions, will not take birth in low castes & will
continue worship of Brahman,get liberated in next
2 or 3 births due to natural Yoga mahima(greatness).
Good deed of Yoga can never give bad states, his
sins get destroyed by Yoga practice & his doubt
about rebirth vanishes. In olden days a person who
has left his village to visit another place,used to take
2 days to return back,same way for Yogi whose yoga
is interrupted by death, will get liberated within 2 to 3
births only. If yoga is carried out with firm belief,he will
achieve liberation in the same birth.If firm belief is not
there, more births are required.
To develop firm belief, hearing & chanting of Veda
shstras are required. If you say a Yogi has achieved
yoga without reading Veda shastra,that means he has
studied Veda shastra in his previous birth.Without this
background how you can achieve yoga ? One who has
no previous birth experience or impressions of yoga
sadhana,will not catch it now, even after repeating
shstra many times.By following yoga path,such ajnani
also can get liberated earlier & need not under go
hundreds of rebirths. A Yogi is greater than one following
hence you also become a Yogi.Others cannot get
eligibility of a Yogi !
My child ! for your sake I have explained to you methods
of worshipping with & without attributes.Understand this
very well & follow it, there is nothing similar to this.
This secret knowledge should not be told to -- thieves,
not following Dharma,no kindness,who argue without
knowledge,has lust for women.This knowledge is
auspicious,doing good, through all Veda Shastras.
This way Shankara explained method of worshipping to
Shanmukha for the benefit of this world.
================================= =====
Upasana, also refers to worship of the Saguna Brahman
in his Brahma Sutra Bhashya. It is shown that the same
fruit of Moksha that is attained through severe penance
and meditation involving sravana, manana and nidhidyasa
on Nirguna Brahman is also attainable to those who
practice Saguna Brahman Upasana, that is, when one
remains devoted to a Krishna, Rama or Siva.
Sri Ramana Maharshi --
Worshipping the formless reality by unthought thought is
the best kind of worship. But when one is not fit for such
formless worship of God, worship of form alone is suitable.
Formless worship is possible only for people who are
devoid of the ego-form. Know that all the worship done by
people who possess the ego-form is only worship of form.
Questioner: What is meant in Hinduism by “Saguna Brahman”
and how is that different from “Nirguna Brahman”
Answer: The term Saguna means “with attributes”. The term
“Saguna Brahman” implies that God has a name and form
and other attributes. Many Savikalpa Samadhis give rise to
the (living) form of the Ishta Devata. Ishta Devta is one’s
favored way of visualizing the divine. It might be Krishna,
Jesus, Rama, the Goddess or some other Deity of choice.
Nirguna means “without attributes”. The term “Nirguna
Brahman” implies that God as the Absolute has no name
and form or attributes. Nirvikalpa Samadhi reveals the
Nirguna nature of the Self.
In a chapter of Brahma-Sutras which deals with the nature
of qualities of Brahman, it mentions positive attributes like
'joyful,' 'intelligent,' etc., as well as negative attributes like
'measureless,' 'colourless,' etc. Both kinds of attributes
are referred to the absolute and yet the contemplation of
such a Brahman can be called Nirguna-Upasana or
meditation on condition-less Brahman. The chief distinction
between the contemplation of the conditioned (Saguna) and
unconditioned (Nirguna) Brahman is that in the former the
devotee looks upon it as really connected with those
attributes, while in the latter, positive and negative qualities
are not viewed as essentially connected with it, but as
suggesting its absolute nature. Hence, joyful etc., do not
enter into the essence of the contemplated Brahman but
act as a gateway for grasping its true nature. In the
contemplation of the conditioned Brahman, those and
similar other properties form a part of the contemplation.
The term Nirguna does not mean that Brahman is a
negative concept, the Brahman is a non-entity or zero. It
means that the qualities found here in limitation, are found
illimitable in Brahman. It means that the attributes are
Brahman's essential nature or His Svarupa. It means that
Brahman does not possess perishable qualities of matter
like the blue colour of a cloth but possesses all auspicious
qualities (Sarva-Kalyana-Gunas). Brahman is Nirguna-Guni.
Nijaguna Shivayogendra on Gunas of Brahman--
We can decisively tell, this world consisting of
consciousness(chethana) & non-living things(achethana)
are imagined by chidrupa Brahman only.
All-knowing(sarvajnathva), All-Lordship(sarveshvarathva),
All-control(sarvaniyanthrathva), All-pervading
(sarvantharyamithva), All-Souls(servathmakathva),
Not-doing(akarthrthva), Doing(karthrthva), Other-Doing
Sristi(creation),Sthithi(maintaining), Laya(destruction),
Niyamana(controlling, ruling),
Anupravesha(Ishvara himself became multiple Jivas)
Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga
'Parameshwara teaching Shanmuga' postings are based on
'Jnana Sindhu' writings of great CHIDANANDA AVADHUTHA
of very high spiritual level based on VEDANTHA
(UPANISHATHS). He had given the copy of the book to the
parents of a future Avadhutha even before the baby was
born, telling parents Goddess will take birth as their son &
to give the book to the boy when he would be twelve
year old, who is destined to become an Avadhutha by name
born, telling parents Goddess will take birth as their son &
to give the book to the boy when he would be twelve
year old, who is destined to become an Avadhutha by name
in north Karnataka.
Shanmukha told Parameshwara --
Shanmukha with folded hands, requested Shankara, Swami !
First please explain characteristics of 'sky of heart'(daharakasha
lakshana) & then worship of Brahman with or without attributes.
Parameshwara told Shanmuka--
Just like Arjuna aimed at the target kept above, looking down
at the reflection of target in oil, same way aiming at the tip of
nose, concentrating mind on sky of heart(hridayakasha) is
daharakasha characteristics.
These characteristics as it increases day by day, glow of face
increases, removes feeling of body, he becomes real Shankara
only. All his worries vanish, he becomes Divine Thing, mind
activity & organs become relaxed,in peace,satisfied, they shine
with glow.This Yogi gets merged in bliss & is not aware of
what is going on around him. When he is awake, he is Brahman
only.He becomes Divine Thing while sitting,sleeping,opening
eyes,moves about,carries out all activities forgetting that he is
in a body.
Due to inward concentration, organs become quiet, as a result
how activity of mind can take place ? After Manolaya, all
vasanas(latent impressions) vanish. When sense of taste has
become that of elixir, we don't need another taste,same way
when you have become source of peace & happiness, there
is no use of happiness from organs of senses.When a person
stands in the shadow under a tree,his own shadow vanishes
& he is seen alone, same way,when a yogi becomes fully
Para-Brahman & forgets his body is Daharakasha Samadhi
Characteristics of this samadhi is, that state of happiness
at the end of deep sleep state, beginning of jagrith state
& jagrith,sushupti states will not be there, activities of all
body organs also not being there. A hungry,old bull enters
a agricultural field & starts eating green plants, the way it
likes,lying down & owner of the field beats it or pushes it,
it will continue enjoying eating closing its eyes,same way
organs of the body which have tasted the bliss of this
Samadhi will not be interested in worldly pleasures &
activities.Yogis having enjoyed this Samadhi have become
form of Para-Brahman & shining by self-luminosity. This
Daharakasha samadhi is not an ordinary thing,this
is the nectar of meaning of vedas, this is the state of
Jivanmuktha.This cannot be achieved by con men or
those who act like yogis.
Shanmukha ! now I shall explain to you Saguna,Nirguna
Upasana of Brahman, please listen & understand it.
There are 2 types of worshipping Brahman--
1) Saguna - with attributes
2) Nirguna - without attributes
Now I shall explain Saguna Upasana.Without this upasana
you will not be able to achieve Raja Yoga.By Saguna
Upasana, you will get Saguna-Liberation & then you will
merge in Brahman. Just as Garuda flies from earth to the
sky in no time, by following Nirguna Upasana you will
suddenly merge with Brahman. There are many types of
Saguna Upasana. Jnanis know them.
The Yogi thinks, his palms,feet,ear,eyes,face,rear part of
hands,hairs,beard,mustache, throat,all limbs & organs,
movement,shape,form,etc., his whole body & all are
Brahman only is Saguna Upasana.This body made up of
five elements,five Pranas, ten indriyas,panchikarana
(mix of proportion of five elements in various combinations
to form body) of body & all are of Athma only is Saguna
My Child ! Yogi by thinking his body etc.,belongs to Athman
only & there is nothing left belonging to him,that Sadhaka
lives in supreme Bliss.This Sadhaka, by thinking he is
separate & Athma wearing body etc.,are separate,talks to
himself(as if one person is talking to another person) "you
sit,sit" & he himself sits.Same way "go","You get up",
"Wash your hands & legs","You eat","Wear this","You see",
"You sing","You take bath",You apply sandal wood paste".
"You meditate","become silent","beg","Play","Run","Drink",
"Pour Sambar","Give advise""Sleep","Get UP',"Get rid off
Pee & Poo" thus thinking he being separate & his body etc.,
belongs to Paramathman & following this way is Saguna
This leads to Sayujya liberation. Yogi who is in
this state achieves Divinity, Paramathman. You should
follow this all the time,then this Yoga gives results & is
called Saguna Upasana - worship with attributes.
Now I shall explain to you, Nirguna Upasana, this is not
suitable for yogis with lust etc.By this Kailasa,Vykunta,
Heaven etc.cannot be achieved as you yourself is
everything.Yogi who is following this worship is carrying
out various activities like -- sitting,standing,eating,
buying,drinking,gulping,burping,rolling sideways,
enjoying,everything performed without any feeling of
doership,action,activity, not differentiating them,thinking
himself as all.This is called Nirguna Upasana - worship
without attributes.
In Saguna Upasana- worship with attributes, there is
differentiation.Here in Nirguna Upasana "Sarvam
Brahma mayam Jagath" following this concept, all things
are Athma only,you should understand that.
Reason for this being, Maha Vakya says,"yadyat
paSyati cakshurbhyAm tattad Atmeti bhAvayet "
"Whatever one sees with the eyes, that he should
increases, removes feeling of body, he becomes real Shankara
only. All his worries vanish, he becomes Divine Thing, mind
activity & organs become relaxed,in peace,satisfied, they shine
with glow.This Yogi gets merged in bliss & is not aware of
what is going on around him. When he is awake, he is Brahman
only.He becomes Divine Thing while sitting,sleeping,opening
eyes,moves about,carries out all activities forgetting that he is
in a body.
how activity of mind can take place ? After Manolaya, all
vasanas(latent impressions) vanish. When sense of taste has
become that of elixir, we don't need another taste,same way
when you have become source of peace & happiness, there
is no use of happiness from organs of senses.When a person
stands in the shadow under a tree,his own shadow vanishes
& he is seen alone, same way,when a yogi becomes fully
Para-Brahman & forgets his body is Daharakasha Samadhi
Characteristics of this samadhi is, that state of happiness
at the end of deep sleep state, beginning of jagrith state
& jagrith,sushupti states will not be there, activities of all
body organs also not being there. A hungry,old bull enters
a agricultural field & starts eating green plants, the way it
likes,lying down & owner of the field beats it or pushes it,
it will continue enjoying eating closing its eyes,same way
organs of the body which have tasted the bliss of this
Samadhi will not be interested in worldly pleasures &
activities.Yogis having enjoyed this Samadhi have become
form of Para-Brahman & shining by self-luminosity. This
Daharakasha samadhi is not an ordinary thing,this
is the nectar of meaning of vedas, this is the state of
Jivanmuktha.This cannot be achieved by con men or
those who act like yogis.
Shanmukha ! now I shall explain to you Saguna,Nirguna
Upasana of Brahman, please listen & understand it.
There are 2 types of worshipping Brahman--
1) Saguna - with attributes
2) Nirguna - without attributes
Now I shall explain Saguna Upasana.Without this upasana
you will not be able to achieve Raja Yoga.By Saguna
Upasana, you will get Saguna-Liberation & then you will
merge in Brahman. Just as Garuda flies from earth to the
sky in no time, by following Nirguna Upasana you will
suddenly merge with Brahman. There are many types of
Saguna Upasana. Jnanis know them.
The Yogi thinks, his palms,feet,ear,eyes,face,rear part of
hands,hairs,beard,mustache, throat,all limbs & organs,
movement,shape,form,etc., his whole body & all are
Brahman only is Saguna Upasana.This body made up of
five elements,five Pranas, ten indriyas,panchikarana
(mix of proportion of five elements in various combinations
to form body) of body & all are of Athma only is Saguna
My Child ! Yogi by thinking his body etc.,belongs to Athman
only & there is nothing left belonging to him,that Sadhaka
lives in supreme Bliss.This Sadhaka, by thinking he is
separate & Athma wearing body etc.,are separate,talks to
himself(as if one person is talking to another person) "you
sit,sit" & he himself sits.Same way "go","You get up",
"Wash your hands & legs","You eat","Wear this","You see",
"You sing","You take bath",You apply sandal wood paste".
"You meditate","become silent","beg","Play","Run","Drink",
"Pour Sambar","Give advise""Sleep","Get UP',"Get rid off
Pee & Poo" thus thinking he being separate & his body etc.,
belongs to Paramathman & following this way is Saguna
This leads to Sayujya liberation. Yogi who is in
this state achieves Divinity, Paramathman. You should
follow this all the time,then this Yoga gives results & is
called Saguna Upasana - worship with attributes.
Now I shall explain to you, Nirguna Upasana, this is not
suitable for yogis with lust etc.By this Kailasa,Vykunta,
Heaven etc.cannot be achieved as you yourself is
everything.Yogi who is following this worship is carrying
out various activities like -- sitting,standing,eating,
buying,drinking,gulping,burping,rolling sideways,
enjoying,everything performed without any feeling of
doership,action,activity, not differentiating them,thinking
himself as all.This is called Nirguna Upasana - worship
without attributes.
In Saguna Upasana- worship with attributes, there is
differentiation.Here in Nirguna Upasana "Sarvam
Brahma mayam Jagath" following this concept, all things
are Athma only,you should understand that.
Reason for this being, Maha Vakya says,"yadyat
paSyati cakshurbhyAm tattad Atmeti bhAvayet "
"Whatever one sees with the eyes, that he should
look upon as the Self."
"yadyat SRNoti karNAbhyAm tattad Atmeti bhAvayet"-
Whatever one hears with the ears, that he should
look upon as the Self.
"labhate nAsayA yadyat tattad Atmeti bhAvayet" -
Whatever one smells through the nose, that he should
look upon as the Self.
jihvayA yad rasam hyatti tattad Atmeti bhAvayet -
jihvayA yad rasam hyatti tattad Atmeti bhAvayet -
Whatever he eats(tastes) with the tongue, that he
should look upon as the Self.
tvacA yadyat spRSed yogi tattad Atmeti bhAvayet -
Whatever the yogi touches with his skin, that he
should look upon as the Self.
dRshTim jnAnamayIm kRtvaA paSyet brahmamayam
jagat -
With the vision of knowledge, one should see the whole
universe as brahman.
drashTRdarSanadRSyAnAm virAmo yatra vA bhavet,
dRshTiH tatraiva kartavyA na nAsAgrAvalokanI -
One's sight should be fixed on that in which the triad
of seer, seeing and seen ceases (i.e., brahman),
of seer, seeing and seen ceases (i.e., brahman),
and not on the tip of the nose.
(General information for readers --
(General information for readers --
As long as the mind is full of desires for worldly objects
and pleasures, that itself is bondage. But when the same
mind is made free from likes and dislikes no desires
spring up, because desires are only the result of likes
and dislikes. When no desires arise, the mind becomes
pure and capable of concentrating on the Self.
Self-Knowledge can arise only in such a pure mind and
not in a mind which is dragged hither and thither by
By this Upasana(worship),you get real bliss of liberation.
You experience Athma-Sakshathkara.
My child ! for your sake I explained to you both
types of worship. Among these two,if you follow any one,
you can achieve this yoga. First follow with attributes
sagunopasana, then follow worship without attributes
ie,Nirgunopasana. Reason being in Sagunopasana
Dvaitha is there, which leads to difficulties.
Nirgunopasana is superior, hence follow that type of
For both types of worship results in same liberation.
To achieve these upasanas, resulting liberation you
should have aversion,dislike,dispassion(virakti,vairagya)
to worldly enjoyments & things,there is no other way.
Positive results are achieved by those who are having
aversion,disgust for worldly ways.Without worship
also results are not achieved.When Upasana & Yoga
join together, leads to liberation.
Just as yoga expands,worship also expands.If Yoga
is not there,worship also not there.When a Yogi
achieves this Yoga & worship, he becomes real
Brahman only.He will submerge in ocean of happiness.
This Yogi will not suffer from Thapa thrayas--
three types of difficulties -- adibhauthika (physical),
adideivika(external calamity destined),adimanasika
(worries of mind) & by Self generated happiness
gets immersed, thus Hara told Karthikeya.
On hearing this Karthkeya with folded hands told
Hara, GOD of GODS ! I have a doubt which is --
"a sadhaka with full earnestness & great Bhakti
involved in Yoga & worship, suddenly mind looses
concentration & dies, but he has not achieved yoga,
Karma & Yoga stopped abruptly, so what will be his
fate ?".On hearing this Hara told as follows.
Child ! For a Yogi who could not complete yoga in
a lifetime,has no problem in this world or in other
worlds.If he dies suddenly,he will go to good lokas
(other worlds like kubera loka,sathya loka etc.) &
enjoy the fruits of his action, then he will return to
this world, take birth in a rich family.Otherwise he
may take birth in a family of jnanis(family members
with knowledge of Adhyathma) & by previous birth
samskara(actions,impressions) will continue Yoga
Baby ! Greatness of Yoga cannot be described,
beyond imagination. That Yogi whose yoga got
discontinued in previous birth,though interested in
actions, will not take birth in low castes & will
continue worship of Brahman,get liberated in next
2 or 3 births due to natural Yoga mahima(greatness).
Good deed of Yoga can never give bad states, his
sins get destroyed by Yoga practice & his doubt
about rebirth vanishes. In olden days a person who
has left his village to visit another place,used to take
2 days to return back,same way for Yogi whose yoga
is interrupted by death, will get liberated within 2 to 3
births only. If yoga is carried out with firm belief,he will
achieve liberation in the same birth.If firm belief is not
there, more births are required.
To develop firm belief, hearing & chanting of Veda
shstras are required. If you say a Yogi has achieved
yoga without reading Veda shastra,that means he has
studied Veda shastra in his previous birth.Without this
background how you can achieve yoga ? One who has
no previous birth experience or impressions of yoga
sadhana,will not catch it now, even after repeating
shstra many times.By following yoga path,such ajnani
also can get liberated earlier & need not under go
hundreds of rebirths. A Yogi is greater than one following
hence you also become a Yogi.Others cannot get
eligibility of a Yogi !
My child ! for your sake I have explained to you methods
of worshipping with & without attributes.Understand this
very well & follow it, there is nothing similar to this.
This secret knowledge should not be told to -- thieves,
not following Dharma,no kindness,who argue without
knowledge,has lust for women.This knowledge is
auspicious,doing good, through all Veda Shastras.
This way Shankara explained method of worshipping to
Shanmukha for the benefit of this world.
================================= =====
thank you so much for all these wonderful information!